Welcome to Thistledown and Company Quilts ~ online quilt supplies
Have you seen our YouTube channel on the many uses of Whisperlite and quilting tips?
Here it is https://youtu.be/UeQJ6oGR-Aw
Have you seen our YouTube channel on the many uses of Whisperlite and quilting tips?
Here it is https://youtu.be/UeQJ6oGR-Aw
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My Etsy shop is Planetpollyanna
For domestic or priority postage continue here on my website.
Thank you !
I truly appreciate the support and kindness of you - my fellow stitchers!
Thanks, Linda
When we moved from Florida to Wisconsin I had to learn how to use a snow blower!
If you haven't discovered my YouTube videos take a peak when you have a chance, https://youtu.be/UeQJ6oGR-Aw
NEW! We now have a YouTube channel with helpful quilt tutorials for you.
Our Channel is -
Thistledown and Company Quilts
You'll find tutorials for applique, reverse applique, tracing onto dark fabrics and wool for stitchery, collage quilting and some more tips and tricks. Or, for static tutorial links, and down
NEW! We now have a YouTube channel with helpful quilt tutorials for you.
Our Channel is -
Thistledown and Company Quilts
You'll find tutorials for applique, reverse applique, tracing onto dark fabrics and wool for stitchery, collage quilting and some more tips and tricks. Or, for static tutorial links, and download links keep scrolling down .
May you always find peace at your sewing machine.
We continue to ship orders as quickly as possible so we don't slow you down.
If you need a new pattern to inspire you, or need some Whisperlite foundation for a project we'll get it on it's way to you.
Stay well and have fun with fabric!
Thanks bunches, Linda
Like you, quilting, buying fabric at local quilt shops, cutting fabric, getting a new quilt project and playing with color, brings me peace, excitement and satisfaction.
I know that quilt patterns with clear and accurate instructions are important to you when you decide to make a new quilt. I have designed a wide variety of quilt patterns and make sure I include easy to follow instructions. You will find applique patterns, and pieced quilt patterns. Some are bright and playful, some are subtle and subdued, and some in between. Pick one out and make something to feed your creative soul. While you are browsing quilt blogs, take a moment to visit mine,
and while you're at it, please like us on facebook and instagram @thistledownandcompany
Yes! This is where you'll find Whisperlite tracer/foundation interfacing material for all your quilting creativity, along with numerous quilt patterns to inspire. check out my YouTube channel - https://youtu.be/UeQJ6oGR-Aw thistledown and company quilts , for tutorials. keep scrolling.....
I believe in sharing quilting knowledge and when I developed Whisperlite, and when I design patterns, I have you in mind. I want to make it easy for you to create.
There are tutorials on my blog and I also have a YouTube channel for video tutorials. My YouTube channel is
thistledown and company quilts. If you’re looking for something specific drop a comment so I know what it is.
What is Whisperlite tracer/foundation, and how do I use it?
I developed Whisperlite as a super, lightweight, foundation alternative to using muslin as a foundation for string quilts or crazy quilts. No need to remove it when your done and it doesn't add weight or bulk to your project!
It's an excellent, ultra lightweight base for building collage quilts, and also to use instead of paper for paper-pieced quilt blocks.
You can also do wonderful things with felted wool using Whisperlite tracer, like making a wool smoothie. Whisperlite foundation is also fantastic for preparing appliques for either hand or machine applique.
You can also use it to trace designs for hand embroidery and to mark your quilt top for quilting. Check out the quilting techniques using Whisperlite tracer/foundation and then hop over to my blog or my YouTube channel for full tutorials on how to use Whisperlite tracer/foundation. There's more to come....
Here is the link for the free string quilt block foundation pattern from my you tube video.
How to string piece a quilt block using Whisperlite tracer/foundation
String piecing is a great way to utilize your fabric scraps or use up some of your precious fabric stash.
String piecing on a foundation will stabilize your work along with any bias edges. Traditionally, muslin was used as a foundation, but muslin adds a lot of extra weight to your finished quilt. Sometimes paper foundations are used but then when you are done stitching you have to tear away all the paper.
Very messy and time consuming. Don't know about you but I'd rather spend my time stitching.
By using Whisperlite as the foundation there is no need to remove it when you are done sewing and it is super lightweight.
Click here for the full tutorial on my blog.
Build your fabric Collage Quilt designs on Whisperlite;
Whisperlite is a fantastic alternative for voile or muslin, as a super lightweight foundation to build your fabric collages on.
It won't add extra bulk or weight to your collage and it trims away nice and clean.
Here's how you do it...
Simply cut a piece of Whisperlite lslightly larger than your collage drawing. Tape the Whisperlite over your drawing and trace your design onto the Whisperlite with a #2 pencil or washout marker.
Build your fabric collage onto the Whisperlite foundation. Whisperlite is not a fusible product.You will add a lightweight fusible web of your choice to the wrong side of your fabrics. Cut out your prepared fabric pieces and fuse them to the Whisperlite foundation. Once your collage is completely built, then simply trim away the extra Whisperlite from the outside edges. Now your collage is ready to place onto your background.
Use Whisperlite to prepare turned edge appliques. By using Whisperlite you can get the same look of needle turn applique, but a bit faster and easier. This technique is great for beginners, and for anyone that has limited hand movement, or hand pain that makes needle turn applique to difficult to manage
Click here for the full tutorial
coming soon......
What is a wool smoothie? if you've ever worked with felted wool or woolfelt you know it's a wonderful medium to create with. It comes in many luscious colors and textures and is a fabulous fiber to embellish with hand or machine stitches.
One drawback is when it comes to piecing a seam with felted wool. Because it is a thicker, bulkier material, the seams are thick and bulky too. Using Whisperlite as a super lightweight foundation will allow you to make a pieced wool project without the bumpy lumpy seams that traditional piecing would produce. This can be used with either felted wool or woolfelt.
So.....lets make a wool smoothie. Click here to go to my blog for the tutorial
Parking a spare spool of thread as you see in the picture above can result in a trip to your sewing machine service center.
Centrifugal force created inside by the shaft spinning behind the hand wheel, can suck the thread tail into the machine.
Yes, really. I've seen it at least twice at the shop I work at.
This is what was pulled out of one customers machine...Yikes!
Here's a tip for stitching seams around small curves or circles.
You will get a smoother seam if you shorten your stitch length to 1.5 or 2.0 mm instead of the commonly used 2.5 stitch length.
Did you know that Schmetz needles are now color coding their sewing machine needles?
You can go to their site www.schmetzneedles.com and download a chart to print. How fabulous is that?
This handy how-to quilt book is compact, yet loaded with so much useful quilting knowledge.
It has fully laminated pages to write on with dry erase markers so you can make note of your quilt block sizes etc.
It is an excellent quilt reference book with frequently used techniques, sizing, setting triangle formulas, decimal conversions, and so much more... right at your fingertips.
It continues to be a quilt customer favorite and I'm happy to say it's back in stock ready to ship. You'll want to keep it close by in your sewing basket because of all the helpful important tips and essential quilt formulas.This link will take you right to the order page.
Order the Quilter's Q & A book today for yourself or any of your dear quilting friends.
Always make sure you are using the correct type of thread for your project. Do NOT use hand quilting thread in your sewing machine and never use invisible (clear) thread on a baby quilt.
Do you have stacks of batting pieces leftover from trimming your quilts?
go green and recycle them into something else....
Here's a new way to recycle your quilt batting into yarn to knit with! Yes.... to knit with. Cotton batting turns into lovely soft yarn and it's so easy to do. I have designed 3 patterns using quilt batting to knit with to get you started.
The pattern category is called Earthknits and you can just click the link to go there. Basically all you do is cut the batting into strips (approx. 3/8") and knot them together. You can dye your batting or use it as is, it's up to you. Just make sure to dye it before cutting it into strips... take my word for it, it's much easier that way.
Depending on the project you combine the batting yarn with other yarn, or use it all by itself. Give it a try and whittle down your stack of batting scraps.
Ask for my patterns, my book, or Whisperlite at your favorite quilt shop. If they don't carry it you can order here from my site by clicking the view products or shop link.
If your local shop wants to carry my products they can contact me for wholesale information.
Here are the links to shops that some of my patterns and products. Bear with me as I build this list. If you're missing from the list let me know - I'm a blond after all.
Stitchin Heaven
My Material Matters
Nina's Quilt Barn
Needle Niche, Athens TX
Annie's Crafts (formerly Clotilde)
Gifts for Quilters
Peggy's Heirlooms of Tomorrow
Quilter's Warehouse
Quilt Lover's Hangout
Quilt camp in the Pines
Pumpkinvine Quilting
Nancy's Notions
Country Crossroads Quilt Shop
The Quilt Place
Cotton Patch Quilt Shop
Going to Pieces Quilt Co.
Bigsby's Sewing Center
We love our customers, check our show schedule to stop by and see our live demo's. Wisconsin is our home base.
Wholesale inquiries are welcome if you are a store owner.
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